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About Us

This is the home of John Norman and his Gor series on the internet. It is a site designed and run by fans, for fans. The team behind this site has been drawn from across the globe, and a wide variety of backgrounds. Many are experts in their particular fields, but all are dedicated fans of the series. It is our aim to bring together the very best articles and information about the Gor series. Although this site is run by fans, we are proud to have the full support of all the various publishers of the Gor series worldwide, most of whom have links to our site on their John Norman biography pages, Richard Curtis, John Norman’s literary agent, and, most importantly, John Norman himself, who contributes periodically to this site. You can find more information about this site and the Gor Chronicles in our F.A.Q.s, here. Amongst the features on this site are a Books section which has details of all the available Gor editions and links to retailers, and an Articles section with letters from John Norman, interviews with him and a number of articles by fans of the series. We also have a Discussion Forum. Please explore these and the other features of this site.

Meet the Team

BreoghanLemuelBreoghan will be well known to those who frequented the World of Gor forum.

Lemuel is known for his knowledge of Gor, and is one of the lucky few to have met John Norman.

Simon of Tabor is known to many for his editorial work on the Gor series and for his efforts to eliminate Gor piracy in his capacity as an authorised copyright agent for the series.

There are many others to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. These are people who have helped develop or test this site, contributed material or ideas, or who are helping with the efforts to translate its content into other languages. These include Ana, Charlotte, Damaris, David Alexander Smith, Deborah, Giraut, Jeffrey M. Elliott, Joe McNeely and his colleagues at Brilliance Audio, John R. Douglas and his colleagues at E-Reads, Koa Bosk, LionHeart, Luther, Marcus of Ar, Michael Gaudet, None the Acquirer, Patrick J. Grieser and his colleagues at Basilisk-Verlag, Phil, Richard Curtis and his colleagues at Richard Curtis Associates, , Sleenboy, and Stella. Last but not least we owe a huge debt of gratitude to John Norman, not only for supporting us in the creation of this site, but most importantly for creating the Gor series that this site is all about. Without him this site would not exist.

Please be advised that John Norman is not responsible and specifically disclaims any responsibility for any of the content of this website, except for any content that he has specifically written himself. Please also be advised that John Norman has no ownership interest in this website.
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© 2006-2010 John Norman's Chronicles of Gor
John Norman's Chronicles of Gor is owned and run on a not-for-profit basis by Gor fans, for Gor fans, and is independent of John Norman, his agent, and his publishers.

All Gor novels are copyright © by John Norman. All rights are reserved and, subject to the doctrines of fair use and fair dealing, no text from any of the Gor novels may be used without the express written consent of the author or his authorized representatives. Infringements of this copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. For information and permission contact copyright@gorchronicles.com.
You can report infringements of the copyright of the Gor novels to us at copyright@gorchronicles.com.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the copyrights of all independently created works posted on this site by or with the permission of their authors or other copyright-holders, as the case may be, are retained by their respective authors or other copyright-holders, as the case may be. If you believe your copyright may have been infringed in some way on this site please contact us at copyright@gorchronicles.com.

For further information about copyright matters on this website please view our Terms of Service. For any other information contact us at info@gorchronicles.com.

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