This is the final version of John Norman's Birthday Card, last updated on May 30, 2010.
The following 58 names will be listed on the birthday card:
Angel Lancaster - USA
Antha of Tabor - UK
Brampton - Australia
Carl Arnason - Canada
Charles Johnson - USA CO
Charlotte J. - USA East Coast
Cherielle - USA AR
Daithi (Oisin Daffyd) - Ireland
Dale Harris - USA FL
Damia (LofD) - Germany
Dangrus - USA
Debra - USA NC
Durham - USA NC
Efnisien - Swansea (Wales)
Franklin Robertson - USA SC
Garian - USA
Greg M - USA
Harry (Swordmaker) - USA NM
Joanne Loader - Germany
Jon Ard (Morgus) - USA CA
Julia Wilson - USA CO
Kane - Australia
Katrine - USA TX
Kilsah - Canada
Lee (WarWizard) - USA
Mark Huemoeller - USA CO
Markus Grosse-Schware - Germany
Mathew Caruso-Reynolds - USA PE
Misha - UK
Mo Ermel - Germany
Nadia - Australia
Nova - The Netherlands
Noyeh & Jeff Prater - USA AR
Oryx con Lara - Israel
Patrick Boyd - USA MO
Paul Smith - Canada
Peter J.R. - USA NYC
Richard L. Packham II - USA
Rogan Muldoon (Breoghan) - UK/USA
Roger H. - Wales
Rolph Macphie - England
Russell (Raven) - Australia
Samantha Mayer - USA
Sean Lancaster - USA
Silenus - USA
Simon - Australia
Simon of Tabor - UK
Simon van Meygaarden - The Netherlands
Stefan - Germany
Steven Patrick Ross - Canada
Suzanne G. (KajiraSuzanne) & "Mac" - USA MA
Tethrar Arocon - USA
Ulrike Totsch (Sunara Writer) - Germany
William Switzer - USA KY
Wolfie - United Kingdom
Zarender Urvilan - Spain
In the next few hours, I will create the card itself, and tomorrow morning Simon of Tabor will send it to Richard Curtis, asking him to make sure the card will be delivered on John Norman's birthday. Once the card is on its way, I will make it publicly available through our Download Section. If we get a response from John Norman, we sure will let you know.
Fifty-eight fans, from the United States, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Spain, Israel and The Netherlands, a truly international homage to a muchly misunderstood and neglected storyteller.
May he live long and prosper!