For those who have been wondering about what happened after we had send John Norman a Birthday Card (here), Mr. Norman actually responded within two days after his birthday, but alas, using his good old type-writer, and I shamefully admit, it took us much to long, before we could share his response with his fans. My apologies for that.
But here it is, for all those who signed the card, let it be known, that John Norman says Thanks!
From a recent letter by John Norman to his literary agent, Mr. Richard Curtis:
"Thanks very much for conveying the lovely birthday greetings from the Chronicles-of-Gor people [...]. I very much appreciate [...] the kindness of all the thoughts involved. It was wonderful to receive the note, and I thank everyone involved.
If it is practical, and not too much trouble, I would much appreciate it if you might let the Chronicles-of-Gor folks, the wonderful readers and friends, [...] who have done so much for me so well, know how much I appreciate their warmth, concern, and support.
With best wishes.
John Norman"