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Avatars and Copyright | Subject: Avatars and Copyright by Lemuel on 2007/4/20 21:16:25
Tal All,
We've noticed that a few of the members have used portions of copyrighted images in their avatars. We know that this is a common practice on many other boards and chat sites, but it is something we would prefer not be done here.
Because Simon of Tabor is authorized to enforce John Norman's copyrights we want to be sure we respect the copyrights of others, including copyrights on images.
As you may know, it is permissible to use small, properly attributed portions of text from a copyrighted work under the "fair use" doctrine, if it meets the applicable conditions. Unfortunately, image copyright is much more complex and there are few clear guidelines regarding how much of an image, or when a thumbnail, may legally be used as "fair use" outside an academic setting or in connection with an image search engine or parody (none of which apply to avatars, obviously), even when it is properly cited.
So, if your avatar uses a portion of an image that is not in the public domain, or an image which is not your original creation, (unless it’s one that you’re using with the explicit permission of the original creator, a copy of which the moderators may request that you provide), please select a different image that does not violate someone else's copyright.
Thank you,
Lemuel of the Builders
Please be advised that John Norman is not responsible and specifically disclaims any responsibility for any of the content of this website, except for any content that he has specifically written himself. Please also be advised that John Norman has no ownership interest in this website. |