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Gor Novels : Prize of Gor Details - and an Exclusive Extract!
Posted by Simon_of_Tabor on 2008/11/10 15:53:46 (6507 reads)

E-Reads have released the details of Prize of Gor, the latest novel in the Gorean Saga by John Norman, and at the Chronicles of Gor site you will find an exclusive extract from the book!

Prize of Gor should be available in ebook format from www.fictionwise.com by November 24th, priced at $9.95, and in paperback from Amazon and other retailers by December 1st, priced at $28.95 (discounts may be available). John Norman's Chronicles of Gor has been given an exclusive extract from the book, as well as cover details and the text from the back cover. You can find them at http://gorchronicles.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=1131

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