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Site News : Beautifying Chronicles of Gor - A Work in Progress
Posted by Simon on 2008/12/25 16:45:32 (15997 reads)

As regular visitors might have noticed, we are currently trying to beautify and improve the visual appearance of this website by adding new animated artwork to all the different sections of our site.

Eventually, all these images will provide a link to a new public picture Gallery, where you can view the original paintings we've used and find additional background information about them. As this new Gallery is not yet ready, and we're still working on adding new artwork, all the links are temporarily redirected to this news message.

If you'd like to comment on our efforts, and you're a member, please leave your note in our Forum, here. If you're not a member, well, you might want to register and become one, because you're sure missing a lot of stunning features, we've reserved only for members.

Take care,

Please be advised that John Norman is not responsible and specifically disclaims any responsibility for any of the content of this website, except for any content that he has specifically written himself. Please also be advised that John Norman has no ownership interest in this website.
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All Gor novels are copyright © by John Norman. All rights are reserved and, subject to the doctrines of fair use and fair dealing, no text from any of the Gor novels may be used without the express written consent of the author or his authorized representatives. Infringements of this copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. For information and permission contact copyright@gorchronicles.com.
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