To facilitate the new Brilliance Audio Edition, Chronicles of Gor is currently updating their Books Section, adding several exclusive new features.
With the release of the new Brilliance Audio Edition of Tarnsman of Gor, scheduled for June, 15, 2010, we needed to update our Book pages and decided to use that opportunity to improve the general design of our Book pages and add a few new, and exclusive features to our Books Section. On our pages about Tarnsman of Gor, E-Reads and Brilliance, you can see a preview of what, in the weeks to come, we intend to do with all our Book pages.
We are adding links to chapter-by-chapter discussions of the books in our (members-only) General Gorean Discussions Forum; a revised edition overview of the changes John Norman made to his books, some five years ago; links to the online previews of the books at Google Books, and a first glimpse of a feature called the Time Machine, enabling you to travel back in time, and witness the History of Gor on the Internet.
Check back regularly to find out more about the past and future of the Chronicles of Counter-Earth, and start browsing the Chronicles of Gor Books Section, here and now!