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Site News : Gorean Second Life
Posted by Simon on 2010/12/20 16:17:47 (3821 reads)

December 20, 2010.

The Chronicles of Gor website has just published over a hundred screenshots, in an attempt to document the current state of the Gorean phenomenon within Second Life. I suspect that, during the next few weeks, many more photo's will follow. Read more about this initiative here, and, after a free registration, join the discussion in our Forum.

We have taken every precaution imaginable to ensure that our publication of these photographs does not violate the intellectual property rights of those who were involved with the creation of this astoundingly beautiful virtual world. Also, we have taken steps to ensure that Mr. Norman's intellectual property rights are respected, and we hope to publish an official response by Mr. Norman shortly.

I have also re-enabled the comment feature of our Gallery, in order to allow the creators of this virtual reality to justly claim credit for their achievements.

If, for any reason, you feel your intellectual property rights are violated by our publication, then please do inform me (simonvanmeygaarden@gmail.com), and I will immediately take down the referred screenshots.

Have fun! (See the Gallery...)

Simon van Meygaarden

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