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The guestbook has 35 messages

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35 05/13/2016 I Love This Place
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Just popping in

There is no word for 'thanks' men might speak on Gor (as far as I know from my reading thus far), and no way to put into words even here on Earth just how thankful I am that John Lange, the Gor series, and the growing community of more than 50,000 Second Life and other supporters exist. It was a slavegirl from Canada who introduced me to the first book of John's series, and I've been happily hooked, learning, and growing ever since. In the dreamhouse and city I've designed, the Gorean Way reigns supreme, and slavegirls are among the most treasured and beloved possessions. I look forward to the days to come. Oh, and if you're interested in what I'm talking about, send me a message and let us speak of the place now called Inisfree.

34 07/28/2015 Greetings
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Home away from home

I used to see Gor books on the book stand in the late 60s but they were just beyond me at that age..Then, around xmas 72 when I was 14, I bought Captive and was taken by it in ways I needn't explain to you folks...been fascinated by the power, majesty, exotica and erotic intensity ever since...no wonder I like Nietzsche.. ..this is a great site, I just hope forums become more active

33 07/28/2015 Greetings
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Home away from home

I used to see Gor books on the book stand in the late 60s but th r y were just beyond me at that age..Then, around xmas 72 when I was 14, I bought Captive and was taken by it in ways I needn't explain to you folks...been fascinated by the power, majesty, exotica and erotic intensity ever since...no wonder I like Nietzsche

32 07/07/2013 Regaining the set of Gor books
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Just can't stay away

I have finally gained the chance to replace all the Gor books that I lost many years ago. Long live John Norman's works

31 05/13/2013 assessing site
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Just popping in

New to site. Read all the Gor books a couple of times until he stopped publishing them. It's time to start them again with Tarnsman. Been too long - ta sardar gor

30 04/21/2013 Spam
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Just popping in

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29 07/16/2012 Looking forward to the next book...
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Just popping in

Tal, Master's and Mistresses. I've been a fan of the Gorean saga since I was 14 and that was quite a few years ago.;) I'm so glad that Norman is writing more stories and continuing the series. I'm looking so forward to reading the newest novel! I know it's available on Kindle but I'm an old fashioned woman and like to read it in book form. :)

28 06/20/2012 I really like this site.
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Just popping in

I'm happy to have found people, holding the same views as I do, enjoying these wonderful books

27 10/11/2011 Greetings
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Tal Masters , Mistresses, and kajirae . I am very happy to have found this site to enjoy Gor beyond the books. I am so in love with Gor !!!<br /><br />*Wishes well !* <img src="http://gorchronicles.com/uploads/smil3dbd4ddd6835f.gif" alt="" />

26 09/04/2011 Jarl
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Just popping in

Tal to each one, Loves the books, had loved them for longer than I can remember, and practices the teachings in r/l.

John, you are my idol.

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