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John Norman : Birthday Card Details
Posted by Simon on 2010/5/6 10:40:00 (4165 reads)

Here are the details for John Norman's Birthday Card.

Registered members of Chronicles of Gor can add their name and country to the thread entitled "John Norman's Birthday Card" in our General Gorean Discussions Forum (here). Within 24 hours, one of our staff members will add the name and country to the working version of the Birthday Card, within our News Section (here). Members who don't want to post, can also send an e-mail (see below).

Anyone can get their name on the card, you don't need to become a member. Send an e-mail to birthday@gorchronicles.com, and tell us the name and country you wish to add. We will confirm the receipt of your e-mail immediately. Within 24 hours, one of our staff members will add your name and country to the card, and send you a second e-mail with a link to the working version of the Birthday Card (here). After June 3rd, 2010, your e-mail address will be deleted from our databases.

Name and Country
The names on the card will be listed in alphabetical order. You can either sign using your full name and country (in my case "Simon van Meygaarden - The Netherlands"), just use your first name and country ("Simon - The Netherlands") or use a reasonable alias ("Simon The Elder - The Netherlands").

Please note that we will *not* accept silly or offensive names, like "xp21v12", "simon's doggy" or "bull-shit-13". If we think the suggested name does not qualify our criteria, we will contact you by e-mail and try to find an acceptable solution. In case of lasting disagreement, Chronicles of Gor reserves the right to refuse a particular participation, on grounds of impropriety.

Participation is open as of today. We will send the Birthday Card somewhere around the 1st of June, 2010, and submission will close some 24 hours before, on May 31, 2010.

If needed, we will add more details to this item in the weeks to come.

Please be advised that John Norman is not responsible and specifically disclaims any responsibility for any of the content of this website, except for any content that he has specifically written himself. Please also be advised that John Norman has no ownership interest in this website.
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